So many people!

Here's Matt and Megan, a couple from England that I met. They're pretty cool, we've been hanging out at the downstairs bar every couple days. Matt thinks he's really good at pool, and he keeps beating me. We're no longer friends because of that fact.

This is Ian and Amy, a brother and sister from England staying in the same room as I am. I think they're staying till the end of the week, since it's his birthday on Saturday and he's got some friends coming in to help him celebrate.

I was playing pool with this tall Irishman named Tom, and we stunk up the joint, not even potting any balls before Matt and Megan won. Apprently the rules are if you lose with 7 balls on the table, you need to run around the table with your plants around your ankles. I think they may have made that up, but I did it anyways. Crazy Europeans.

This is Carly, one of my roommates. She came in on the Thursday after I did. She's a little crazy, and is prone to ninja moves on the floor of the TV room down the hall late at night. Also, I'd recommend not falling asleep in her presence or she'll draw on your face with lip gloss, as one poor guy learned on Saturday night.
I have a lot of other pictures, most of which need more explanation than just 'here's so-and-so' so I'll have to make seperate posts for each of them, lest you think I olny took like 10 pictures this whole time.
"Booty Hunter" is the best T-shirt slogan ever.
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