Kev in Aus

Chronicling the misadventures of a Canadian traveling through Australia. There's seemingly far too many of us!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What I Miss About Canada...

I thought I'd just post a quick note about some of the things I miss about Canada, since my last few posts have been touting how great of a time I am having here.

Tim Horton's - Or more specifically, Iced Cappucinos, chili, and chicken soup. They have donuts here, of couse (they have the technology!) but they're just not the same. I've had some Iced Caps, but they're more like coffee with ice, not a cappucino slurpee. I would literally kill someone for one of these right now.

Wendy's - Funny how most of the things I miss are simply food related. While I do miss Wendy's burgers, I am enjoying some of the fast food places around here. Oporto's is a chicken place that has the best chicken fingers. They're simply marinated chicken strips, no breading or anything, but man, are they awesome. Still, I think my first day back in Canada will entail me going to Tim's/Wendys and ordering an Iced Cap with a Big Bacon Classic. Mmmmm...

Kraft Dinner - I was never a big KD eater, to be honest. I just found it kind of boring. But the White Cheddar variety was really good, and you *can* buy macaroni and cheese, but a box is literally like $3. What do kids in Uni eat? I don't get it!

Clamato Juice - I like Clamato normally, but I really wish I could have a caeser. The best thing for a hangover, I swear. Oh! And they don't call ketchup "ketchup". It's tomato sauce. Weird...

Normal Flavoured chips - They have flavoured chips (crisps, I should say) but they're all weird flavours, like Honey Baked Ham, and Chicken (which is actually almost exactly like SOur Cream & Onion).

Buttered Movie Popcorn - I went and saw Casino Royale tonight, which was a great movie by the way, but the popcorn you get in the theatres is just like the oversalted crap we'd get in arenas in Canada. You don't even have the option to get butter on your popcorn. When I asked for extra butter, the girl just said, "Uh... ok." and handed me the box like I was an escaped mental patient again. People, that part of my life is over! Why can't a man live beyond his past! WHY?!

Snow - Which is not really surprising, I suppose. I miss having snow on the ground now. It's December, and it's damned hot outside. I like picking up sticky snow and throwing it at random lightposts, dumpsters, and the elderly.

Poutine - Man, nothing says "cardiac arrest" like New York Fries poutine.

Intelligently Designed Cities - Seriously, Calgary and Winnipeg are at least laid out in grids, so it's not so hard to find your way around. I've been to and from Bondi Beach at least 25 times now, and I *still* have no idea how to get there if I had a car. There's roads all over the place, roundabouts left and right, and they're just tough to navigate to my feeble North American mind.

*sigh* Friends and Family? - I guess I should add that in anyways. Even if it weren't true, I'd still feel obligated :) Miss you all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

buddy i wish you were with me when i was travelling, im boring. my blogs - when i finally got them going - were nothing compared to yours. anyhow i love reading your findings and the things you miss and notice are very similar to what i experienced. i feel like i am reliving my journey. well somewhat. i skipped the pole dancing part but i did do some bar dancing i think. be sure to drink a 2L box of goon for me. dont replace with water hence getting driven home on the bonnet (not hood) of a car. yeah yeah! or even a can of bundy and ginger. what i wouldnt do for a can of that right now. Yum. did you try the tim tams yet? or the vegemite? i hated it but now i am a seasoned lover or it. i actually kind of miss it. crave it a little even.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am putting "all of your favorite things", (hey maybe they should write a song along those lines) into my steel trapped brain for future reference. Now if I can only find it!!! (brain that is). I had to explain this to Dad so it was funnier the first time.
We are packaging up some snow to send as we have a bit to spare. Your mailing address would be Kev in Aus???? We look forward to your continuing stories and humor and we miss you too.
Love Mom & Dad

5:54 AM  

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