Kev in Aus

Chronicling the misadventures of a Canadian traveling through Australia. There's seemingly far too many of us!

Friday, November 17, 2006


Well folks, I've hit a wall. The job I was supposed to get fell through, so now I'm in a bit of a pickle. Luckily, I have some options. Unluckily, they all involve me going to the middle of nowhere and picking god-knows-what kind of fruits/vegetables/insect-ridden weeds. So I'm heading to a small town called Mildura north of Melbourne on Monday night, and I'm gonna be there for a few weeks/months or however long I can tolerate it. On the plus side, I need to do this to extend my working visa anyways, so I have to do it at some point, I was just hoping to not have to do this until next year, as it's summer in Aus right now, and some days are getting up to 45 degrees in these parts. Oh well...

I would also like to add that I don' know what my phone/internet access is going to be like out there, so all 5 of you who read this may not get any sort of updates for a while. Rest assured, I'll likely still be alive and not eaten by funnel web spiders in my sleep. That's what I hope anyhow...

And one more thing, thank you to all who post comments to my inane posts. It makes me smile whenever I see someone respond to the junk I have to say. So thanks again, and I'll be making one more post before I leave Sydney on Monday. Right now I'm gonna go drown my sorrows in a schooner of Tooheys New...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before you go into the "Outback", watch "Wolf Creek". Its a movie.


5:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Mildura sounds like fun! If by fun you mean being a migrant labourer picking fruit in oven like temperatures. That's the definition Mirriam-Webster has for fun anyways.

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that says that Mildura is full of sweet, fleshy melons.
The bad news is that they also say it was established to be similar to an american style plantation of the 1830s.
So, boobs and the lash.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Just talking to Shawna and she said NOT to watch the movie Wolf Creek...creeped her out and she hasn't even see it.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like some Canadian job interviews. They pick your brain and then put it into someone else's head. Mildura sounds interesting and different, and that is what you are after right? With the temps being as they are, maybe this would be a great time to go pearl diving, after getting the tan from picking whatever. Thinking of you always. Love Mom & Dad.

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad about the job :( Hopefully you can find something else that you like. But, on the bright side, how many people can say they worked in the Austalian Outback? Very cool! Good luck :)

9:44 AM  

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