Back in the Saddle Again...
Not really. Actually I don't know why I chose that title. I need to get out more...
OK, so I'm back in
So I need to find a job and a place to live for the next little while. Hostel living is OK, but I'm on the top bunk now which sucks, and it's going to be inconvenient when I do find work. But anyway, enough of my drunken ramblings...
So what have I been doing the past few days? (Boy I love it when people ask questions to themselves, then answer, don't you? Yes, yes I do.) So really, I've been laying low the past little while. I went out with a friend, Shawna, last night to a few pubs in Bondi Beach. Shawna and I actually met in Calgary, and realized we were both going to be in Sydney at the same time, so we've tried to get together a couple times since we've been here. We ended up going to an Irish pub called the Tea Garden (that hardly sounds Irish in my opinion, but really, a place called 'Whiskey Drinking Micks' would probably not have the patronage this place does), then we went to another pub down the street called the Cock and Bull (which is marginally more Irish sounding, but infinitely more giggle-inducing) where they had an Oasis cover band playing. They were pretty good actually, considering I'm not an Oasis fan, but the best part of it was the groupie standing off to the side staring at the lead singer.

Keep in mind folks, that she's not a groupie for Oasis, she's a groupie for a band who plays Oasis music and doesn't really look anything like Oasis. Also, I'm trying to see how many times I can type Oasis in my blog, so anyone Googling 'Oasis' gets my page, and my readership goes up, and I reap the benefits! Of course, my readers would consist of mostly disgruntled Oasis fans, but you gotta take the good with the bad...
Now, where was I? Oh yes, after the Cock and Bull (tee hee!) we hopped the train to head back to the city to go to a couple other bars. Sadly, this Irish pub closed at midnight! O, how we lamented this early closing time, and from an Irish pub no less! {Random Dead Irish Celebrity} would be spinning in his/her grave! (Rob Roy? James Joyce? Liam Neeson? Any one of those will do.) So we ended up at yet another Irish pub called Scruffy Murphy's, which also had a band play which was luckily not an Oasis cover band, or worse, Oasis themselves. We danced and drank all night and I didn't get home till 5am this morning. So needless to say I'm a little sleepy today. I was supposed to go looking for work and/or an apartment, but I've been pretty lazy and have done naught but surf the net and clean up my resume. And of course, type this long stream-of-consciousness post to my blog.

I also had to include this picture of a couple of Irish guys I met in Melbourne. Steve, the raging lunatic, is screaming something, and I don't remember what. The other guy I don't actally know, but he is a lifetime member of the Irish Drinking Team apparently, and has some sort of brain deficiency, judging by the look on his face. Nonetheless, I laugh every time I see it. Now you too can laugh. Laugh, damn you! Well, whatever...
First of all, I'm pretty impressed that you managed to post on Tuesday, November 7 when I just arrived shiny-faced to work on Monday, November 6. Oh those crazy time zones! Sounds like you're having a blast, or that your liver is going to blast. Good luck with the job hunting! Better you than me, mate ;)
Kevin, despite the amusingness of your picture, I feel obligated to remind you that it's not nice to make fun of the mentally deficient. I'd mention that it's also not nice to make fun of the Irish, but that would be redundant.
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