Kev in Aus

Chronicling the misadventures of a Canadian traveling through Australia. There's seemingly far too many of us!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Whatever Shall I Do?

Now that I've been in Sydney for almost 3 months, I'm starting to get used to living here. Which is good on the one hand, in that I'm finding myself to feel more at home. It's bad, however, in that I view Sydney as not really 'Australia'. You can pretty much take this city, plunk it down in the middle of any other country, and it's pretty much the same in a lot of respects. Basically, I'm not really travelling in Australia, just in another big city. People who have come here can probably agree that this is not all there is to see in this giant country. So I can't wait to leave on one hand, and yet I don't want to leave the comfort and the friends that I've made here on the other. Quite the conundrum, I know.

Februaury 1 is the date we have set to leave. I say 'we' because I'm travelling with my friend Shawna, with whom I'm buying a car, and leaving for parts unknown to do some fruit picking, and basically living off the land for roughtly 5 months. I'm a little concerned, not necessarily for my own well-being, as we're both resourceful people, but more for those unexpected things, like funnel web spiders and wombat swarms.

(edit: I'd also like to add that Shawna's latest blog entry is all about me! Read it and find out just how wonderful I am! *cough*)

But enough about that. My main reason for posting today is this: What am I going to do if and when I head back to Canada? I've been thinking more and more about this lately, and I haven't been able to come up with anything that piques my interest. When I left, I was working in an office making a decent wage, Monday to Friday, doing pretty much the same things day in and day out. Basically, I was bored and wanted to do something different, but when I go back, I don't want to do that again. It was a good environment for the most part, but I was just not happy overall. I just needed a major change in my life, and my way of thinking. I can safely say that I'm not the same person I was when I left (yay!).

Of course, all this upheaval has changed my perception of what I want to do back in Canada. Ideally, I'd like to do something like what I'm doing right now (activities coordinator in the hostel), but I'm pretty sure Calgary has, at most, 5 hostels, and the atmosphere isn't quite the same. Calgary isn't a big traveller's destination, unlike Sydney. To give you an idea, there are 5 hostels on the same block where I'm currently living. Plus you can do things pretty much every day of the year here, like take walking tours of the city, walk along the beach, go to Luna Park (the amusement part across the Harbour Bridge), etc. You could only do a few of those things during the summer in Calgary, and that's it. It really limits the options.

Working in a restaurant would be the first thing I'll do when I get back I would think, as when I left, there was a huge worker shortage in the service industry. But I don't like busting my ass for $8/hour, and *hoping* I get tipped well enough to live. That leaves monkey farming, and Swedish Masseuse as my only other options. And I don't know much Swedish.

Luckily, I have at least 9 months to ponder this situation, and likely another year on top of that, so I really shouldn't be worrying about this now. But it's something that I just have bouncing around my brain anyways.

(Note to self: Learn Swedish)


Blogger Jennifer Lavin said...

I hear you about the nervousness regarding what you will do when you get home...but as people keep telling me, try REALLY hard to not think about it yet and just enjoy your time in a new place with new people. Maybe you will have more luck with that than I. :p

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kev,,,go work the cruise ships. Its not alot of money, but you get to travel and see the sights.
Don't be worrying so much about what your going to be doing here,,,while you are there. Enjoy your time there....

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey you know how i feel about being back. i thought it would all drop into place and i realized being back was something i needed to do to know and understand i dont really want to be here at all. we can open a hostel together in WA if you want and an adventure seeking company.....????? thoughts.....ask this other friend Shawna if she is in. Two Shawna's and a guy, the world could be a whole new place....our oyster as some would say. But listen to the others....dont worry about home right now. it will always be there and likely be the same as when you left. or it may be opposite of that and be exactly what you want when you return. it might have changed your whole persepctive on life in general. i find that every mundane day that i have been back this is true. and i am glad to hear you have changed. your clothes were starting to smell. i would be worried that by this point if travel hadnt started to change you there would be another lost soul to the world of drum drum drum. walk to the beat of whats in your head. that scares me a little but probably well worth it. at least we may get some more hilarious stories and blogs from you.

anyways remember not to worry of home....some things change ever so slightly that its like they never change. keep on keeping on and i hope you are loving summer in the sun!!! advise.....i went to new years in the harbour and it rocked....if you can try and be on a boat tour in the harbour - i didnt do that but i think it would be well worth the moola you put out for it. save your 50 cent pieces to pay for it even. so cheers mate and see you in april....!!!!!

9:08 AM  

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