Kev in Aus

Chronicling the misadventures of a Canadian traveling through Australia. There's seemingly far too many of us!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Kenya Feel the Excitment???

So some news that, I'm sure, very few people in Canada actually know, Canada is in the World Cup of Cricket! Whee!


Yes, well, they are. Actually, they've been in it once before in 1995 where they actually made it to the semifinals, and they played against Kenya yesterday. Sadly, they lost by 7 wickets. I'm not going to take this time to explain to people the rules of cricket, but very basically, a team has 10 wickets ("outs" basically) and the opposing team gets 50 "overs" (an over is when the hurler throws the ball 6 times) and they have to get as many runs as they can in 50 overs without getting their wickets knocked off. Then they switch, and the other team gets a try. It's actually a pretty interesting spectator sport, as the games last different lengths, some literally lasting for 5 days. Of course, the only thing to do during these games is to drink huge quantities of Aussie beer. I would liken it to being a much better sport to watch then baseball, but not quite as interesting as Canadian football, which I compare to having sex. 5 minutes of planning for 10 seconds of furious action after which I usually end up at the bottom of a pile of people.


Anyhow, it was a close game, so hopefully Canada can come back and win a couple and not get knocked out in the first round. They play England on Sunday, and sadly, England and Australia are pretty much the ones that people are betting on (West Indies and South Africa are the other 2 possible winners), so we'll have to see how they fare. Go Canada!

Come on people, you should be proud of your country doing so well in a sport that very few people born in Canada even know how to play!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that you've taken up cricket with such zeal and can (apparently) discuss it knowledgeably :) I'll say to people 'This is my friend Kevin! He knows about cricket!' and they'll go 'ooooo'.

5:58 AM  
Blogger K-Dawg said...

Thanks! Actually, I know about as much about cricket as most people in Oz know about hockey (or Ice Hockey, as they call it down here, since 'Hockey' to them is our Field Hockey), which isn't a lot, but enough to be able to watch and say "Hey, they're 155 for 4. That's not terrible, but it's also not great" without looking like a complete tool. Sadly, I still look like a complete tool for completely different reasons.

3:36 AM  

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