So other than working, what do I do with my time? Well, since I tend to work 6 days a week at a minimum, I don't do a heck of a lot. In my off time, I tend to do nothing but watch TV, read, or practice playing my guitar (I'm still terrible, by the way). For those of you not familiar with Aussie TV, here are my 5 favourite shows, which you can probably download from YouTube:
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Bondi Rescue : Basically a reality show where they show lifeguards saving people's lives, competing in meaningless contests, and bragging about how much they can drink. I don't watch this very often, since it's never on when I have a day off, but when I was living in Sydney, I would watch it all the time. I even caught the camera crew a few times filming since I worked in Bondi for a while. It was pretty cool, and they would occasionally show topless women sunbathing on the beach. Score!
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Border Patrol : Yet another sort of reality show in which security guards in the airports or coast guard would bust people for trying to bring drugs, alcohol or unregistered snakes into the country. I dig it cuz I like watching idiots try to lie there way out of being caught with half a kilo in their luggage. You didn't know it was there? Oh, well, well just let you go then. Dumbass...
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Rugby Union/Rugby League/AFL : Really any sport that Aussies love is a treat to watch, since they go crazy for it. I've honestly never seen a group of people more dedicated to their sports than Aussies. The Rugby World Cup is on right now (Go Canada!) and the town pretty much stops when there's a game on, since most countries are represented in Airlie. But any other day of the week, when one of these is on, people are glued to their TV's. I'd also like to point out that, yes, even the Aussie women love watching rugby and AFL (mostly AFL for some reason). Canadians don't hold a candle to the Aussies when it comes to loving their sports teams.
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The Chaser's War on Everything : Brilliant satire and observational humour about the world around us. These are the guys who broke through the tight security net around the Sydney CBD this past week (dressed as Osama Bin Laden) claiming to be Canadian PM Stephen Harper and exposed the massive spending on security as a big waste of taxpayers money. But it doesn't end there. You can definitely grab some clips from YouTube, and I'd suggest you do, because everything I've seen from this show makes me laugh. It's like the Daily Show, but way funnier.
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Thank God You're Here : Everything about this show is great. The idea is that a comedian is given some sort of costume, gets thrown into a situation without any prior knowledge, and has to improvise the storyline, and gets a score based on how good he was in the scenario. Example: One of the contestants was given a Sherlock Holmes type outfit, knocked on a door, and was put into a situation where he had just visited the queen and had some startling information (I can assure you, it's much funnier than I can portray). Top notch comedy, and I'd highly recommend seeing some clips. Sadly, they recreated this show in the US, and it wasn't nearly as funny. Seriously, go to YouTube, find any of the clips with Josh Lawson, and if you're not laughing in 5 minutes, you should just stab a fork into your eye, because you need serious help. If you must watch it with North American accents, Harland Williams does a pretty good job as the professor.
And..... end scene.