Yarr Me Hearties!
Yes, it's that time of year again. The decorations are up, and costumes are on, and everyone's in the spirit of the times. That's right, it's International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day. Actually, it was yesterday, but the 2 of you who are reading this are still in a part of the world where it's September 19th when I'm posting this, so I'm safe.
What did we do on this most holiest of holy days? Why, dressed up as pirates of course! We wore our pirate gear at work, served people their grub and grog, and threatened to make people walk the plank if they couldn't come up with enough pieces o' eight for their meals. Or as I like to call it, "A Typical Wednesday Night". Good times were had by all, except the guy we keelhauled. He had some issues.
I do have a couple pictures, but I can't post them from here. Hopefully I'll get some up in the next few days.
Oh! We had some special guests at lunch today, though their not too famous for me. 10 members of the Brisbane Broncos came in to Hoggies for lunch today. For perspective, this would be equivalent of the Vancouver Canucks and Jesus walking into a pub in Kelowna and grabbing some drinks. I suspect Jesus would simply order a water though, and still come out pretty hammed. The locals around here were practically wetting themselves over the thought of having them here, so I was the one who had to look after them. I was also able to grab some pics of them too, but, again, I'll have to post them later. Good lads, but they didn't even tip. Good thing I put that botulism in their steaks. Win the finals now, jerks!
Not much else going on folks. Business as usual in the resort town. Zing!
I've heard that people don't tip well in most countries. Is it true for you, or did the Jesus Squad just stiff you like a bunch of jerky jerks?
Jerky jerks indeed. No tip on a $430 bill. It's ok though, cuz the picture I have could easily be photoshopped to include some underage hookers. We'll see who gets the last laugh when all the Broncos are in federal PMITA prison.
Hi Kevin, just want to let you know that I have been following your adventure through Australia and absolutley love reading your hillarious blogs. I think you are brilliant and extremlly good looking! Hope to meet you someday! Cheers Mate
Thanks Mom. Seriously, just tell me I'm a nice person like everyone else does. It just looks less suspicious. Also, you should know my email address : kjlambert@gmail.com. No Spam or I'll hunt you down and kill you like so many kangaroos I have done thus far.
Kevin it might be someone I have given your blog addy to. I admit to telling people about you...to the point they want to know what the whole hype is about...Ang
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