Kev in Aus

Chronicling the misadventures of a Canadian traveling through Australia. There's seemingly far too many of us!

Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm Down With the Sickness

Australia right now is currently going through a big economic crisis due to the Equine Flu. Yes, that's right. Horses getting a little sniffle is causing huge problems in Oz. This isn't because horses are used for transport or anything like that (though I'm sure it is in some of the outback areas), but because of the large amount of betting that goes on in the horse races. Economists reckon that the country has lost billions in the past week because they have quarantined heaps of horses in all the states. New South Wales (where Sydney is) still has a few cases popping up now and then, so they're still under quarantine, but the other states are up and running. Of course, trainers are actually staying away from the tracks because they don't want their horses to catch the flu and have more outbreaks. and the TAB depots (betting halls) are feeling it too, because punters bet on horses, not on dog races (although with the quarantines, greyhounds are seeing a lot more action just to keep people happy.

In somewhat related news, I've been hit with a flu of some description for the past few days myself. Nothing too major, and I'm sure I'll live. I did go to the doctor and he assured me I'm OK. Turns out you have to actually BE a horse to get the Equine Flu, not just hung like one.

That was a long way to go for a really bad joke.

At any rate, I was able to head out on a yacht for the Fun Race on Saturday. It's just a chance for everyone to go out and sit on their boats and drink piss all afternoon. It was a lot of fun, and I actually got a chance to learn a little about sailing and such. It was recommended I take a Competent Crew Course so I can actually sail a boat and know my port from my starboard (I already know these, of course). I may end up doing that if I'm here for a while.

And in that vein, I'll be applying for my visa extension in the next few days, so I will hopefully know my fate by the end of the week. I know you're all dying to know what I'm doing next, all 3 of you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even know where to start making comments on your blog. It is interesting, to say the least, hearing about your adventures. Brings a smile to our face every time. Hope your flu has gone and you're feeling better as the 2 of us are quite interested in your fate. Don't lose your humor. You could become a storyteller. I am sure there is a large audience waiting for your next episode.
Take care and we Love you and Miss you. Mom & Dad

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Stranger,

It's the Lorette Lamberts! Sorry we missed you're last call, we were visiting the fine city of Regina with the Calgary Lamberts!

I had to comment on your last posting, because that was the funniest thing I've read yet! Glad to hear that you still have a great sense of humour!!


The Lorette Lamberts
Krissy says "HI"

5:36 AM  

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