So I've taken my medical and x-rays and everything *seems* to be in order. I have my x-ray and, yes, I do have a heart and a ribcage. Other than that, I'm baffled as to what they could be looking for. But everything seemed to go ok, other than the hearing test which I probably failed spectacularly (I don't know cuz I couldn't hear what she had to say. Ha!). So I'll find out in a couple days whether I'm allowed to stay in Oz for another year.
In other news, Halloween came and went and, without tooting my own horn, I did have the best costume in Airlie Beach. I have better pics, but in the meantime, here's what my costume sort of looked like:

Of course, it's difficult to see, but there's a dude carrying me around in the rubbish bin, the guy wearing orange. Naturally, the guy wearing orange isn't real, and he has my legs so it just looks like I'm being carried around. Regardless, it was a big hit on Wednesday night.
By the way: That's Sarah (English), me, Phil (Aussie), Sandi (English) and Connie (Aussie).
Not much else for now. Once I find out if I'm staying or what-not, I'll have more interesting things to say. Sadly, you'll have to survive on this postlet.
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