OK folks, here's some pics I know you've all been waiting for:
Here's the lot of us at work on International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day. I'm the one with the brown shirt, in case you've forgotten what I look like...
Here's the Brisbane Broncos. The guy in the white hat in the middle was none-too-happy that I asked to get his picture, but really, he can go screw himself. Get used to it, buddy. At least I wasn't some 18 year old girl drooling over him and wanting to take him home. Er... maybe THAT'S why he wasn't very happy.....
Well, the internet cafe I'm currently using is just closing up right now, so I'll stop here for a bit. But I'll have more for you in the coming days, including the secrets to how they get the caramel into the Caramilk bars (hint: Black Widow Spiders. I've already said too much), and the best way to remove rabid monkeys from your closet.
Hey mate. havent left you a note on here in ages. Im gutted for you about your pics!!!! blah. so your plan sounds good. i wish i would have thought better ahead as I would probably still be there. hope yto talk to you soon!
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