Kev in Aus

Chronicling the misadventures of a Canadian traveling through Australia. There's seemingly far too many of us!

Friday, October 05, 2007


OK folks, here's some pics I know you've all been waiting for:

Here's the lot of us at work on International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day. I'm the one with the brown shirt, in case you've forgotten what I look like...

Here's the Brisbane Broncos. The guy in the white hat in the middle was none-too-happy that I asked to get his picture, but really, he can go screw himself. Get used to it, buddy. At least I wasn't some 18 year old girl drooling over him and wanting to take him home. Er... maybe THAT'S why he wasn't very happy.....

Here's my buddy Riz passed out on a barrel of Jim Beam in Mama Africa's. He's a cheap drunk. He only finished 3/4 of the barrel!

Who's that handsome devil?

Well, the internet cafe I'm currently using is just closing up right now, so I'll stop here for a bit. But I'll have more for you in the coming days, including the secrets to how they get the caramel into the Caramilk bars (hint: Black Widow Spiders. I've already said too much), and the best way to remove rabid monkeys from your closet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mate. havent left you a note on here in ages. Im gutted for you about your pics!!!! blah. so your plan sounds good. i wish i would have thought better ahead as I would probably still be there. hope yto talk to you soon!

2:55 AM  

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