Kev in Aus

Chronicling the misadventures of a Canadian traveling through Australia. There's seemingly far too many of us!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Quick Update: I'm moving out of the hostel in which I'm staying and moving into a flat with an Irish friend of mine (Francis, one of the lads who came up to Byron for my birthday last year) and 2 other Irish girls. This is quite literally a snap decision as Frannie called me up tonight and asked if I wanted to move into an apartment on Saturday. I was thinking of finding a place in the next couple weeks anyways, so this just saves me the hassle of having to go apartment hunting. I was also not excited about having to move in with any number of completely random people, as so many backpackers do in Sydney. Details are sketchy at this point, but I'm going to be living just minutes from Bondi Beach. How's the weather back home, by the way? Hee hee...

That's all for now. I'll post in the next couple of days after I've moved in for a minute-by-minute account of the move-in process. Now that's time well spent!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo! Please email me your mailing address as soon as you have one that won't change for at least a month or so. I have something to send you. It certainly isn't suspicious white powder, no sirree. And if it blows up, it's just my way of saying 'I miss you like a crazy woman'. Or maybe it's "I miss you!" like a crazy woman. Punctuation is for sissies.

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

back to your old stomping grounds it adventures come your way. yay! watch out for the bondi jogger....oh btw, is that guy still there? the really buff guy that seems to always just jogging the beach in his black short shorts. what kind of shorts are they....short shorts!

3:42 PM  

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